Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Couple of Days After Christmas

Okay so December gets a bit wild for all of us. For me even though I am between jobs right now, I still seemed to have more to do than time allowed. Maybe it was the fact I turned 40. Adam threw a party and we had a great time with friends and the surprise visit from my mom.

I am going by the philosphy that life begins at 40. I figure I have 60 more years and I am going to do some fun and fascinating things. Maybe I'll try skydiving... yeah, right, not that extreme.

I knitted like a crazy woman this fall for the holidays but it was fun. Owen finally got a sweater from Auntie D - although at 9 his reaction was "Great... clothing (picture eyes rolling and that disappointed look that the cool Aunt did not get him a Wii game)". Well at least it wasn't a pink bunny suit complete with feet. I knitted 2 things for each of my nieces and nephews. Emma got a hat and mittens, Owen a sweater and hat, Olivia socks and a hat and Braeden a sarf and hat. The hats were the "hot" item the kids loved. I'll post a photo. Olivia, I believe has yet to take hers off.

We enjoyed a week in Michigan visiting with family but as usual it seems so crazy and hectic we barely have time to relax and just enjoy each other. Especially when you factor in that 4 of us have birthdays in December t00. Mine is December 13, Olivia's is the 20th, Adam the 21st and my brother-in-law Shone's is the 27th. It is a month of parties and holidays for us.

We arrived back in Connecticut and we are getting ready for a GREAT 2009.

1 comment:

choo choo knits said...

and a great 2009 it will be for you! I have a feeling...