Monday, June 22, 2009


I miss the sun. It has been such a rainy June. I hope the weather improves so I can spend some time outside.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I'm ready for another cruise! Mexico anyone?

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Date Night

We've decided that after 17 years of marriage we need to start dating again....each other that is. First Friday/Saturday of the month is date night. May is Adam's month. Can't wait to see what he has planned.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Because it is Free

Yep, I said FREE. My adorable sister Beth runs a blog where just about weekly she is giving away something. This week it is cereal. You remember Kix as a kid don't you. The one you would not touch with a ten-foot pole because there was no sugar in it. Well now they have added honey and Beth has a cereal set to give away.

Check it out and make sure you tell her you heard about it here.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Finding Old Friends

Not old in that we are all up there in years because that is just simply not the case. I don't think any of my friends are a day over 25. But Facebook has been great to catch and find some friends from years ago back in Saline Michigan and some from the more recent past in Northern California.

I love hearing about everyone's mundane days as it always makes me feel mine are "normal".

I am working on my first Fair Isle type sweater and should have it done in a couple of weeks. I promise to post photos along with a couple of some other projects I have made. Currently besides that sweater I am working on a pair of socks where the design looks like little honey combs. Finally, I am working on a baby sweater. I need to do about 6 of them to have on hand as everyone seems to be hatching these days.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow, Snow, Snow

Wow, we have got the snow this year. I am enjoying the bright white, but the cold... well that is enough to drive me crazy.

So I am off to go buy paint to have our "Red Room" (yes we painted a room barn red) painted this week. I am going more neutral. I liked the red but we are looking to get every room in a more neutral palette.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Inauguration - My Thoughts

What an amazing event. I thought I would write a bit to leave for posterity my feelings and thoughts on this day. It is overwhelmingly patriotic as you look out over the Mall and see the sea of people braving the cold. It is truly moving to see the excitement on faces of Americans knowing the importance of this event.

This past week whether you are Republican, Democratic, Libertarian or any thing else you must be aware of the significance of the event in a country where race has been the center of politics since it was founded. I am moved that race is taking a back seat and people realizing that people are just people no matter their race or ethnicity. As a student of history and a veracious reader of the past of our country, it is truly astounding the strides our country has made in the past 60 years.

I am reminded of a story I heard this week about my friend's son whose best friend is a little african american girl (they are both 7 years old). They had watched a video about Martin Luther King Jr. and at the end both were in tears. When asked why they were so upset they replied that they were glad they were not alive back then as they would not have been allowed to be friends. It crushed them both to think that just because of the color of their skin (which they don't even notice) they could not even talk with each other. The realization that this happened in the past left them stunned and at the same time grateful to be able to have their friendship today.

In addition, my niece who realized that my parents were alive during the time of Martin Luther King Jr. as was amazed to think that people she knows lived in a time when race was such a dividing factor.

Obama being President is truly an historic event. I am hopeful that this day and his presidency will lead us further toward making us truly a colorless society. That we respect our differences rather than use the as labels and a means to alienate each other. I am grateful to be living in a country that moves forward.

Tears will come to my eyes as Mr. Obama takes the oath as this is a new chapter in our country. It is an amazing event and I am happy that I am proud to be an American. Our country is not perfect but it does allow many opportunities and we have so much to be proud of. From our humble beginnings we have always moved toward freedom and change and today is another part of our continued march forward.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Cleaning out the Basement

So I have a bit of spring cleaning fever. I am going to tackle the basement this week and LOTS of stuff will be hitting our local Goodwill center. I just can't stand not knowing where every little tiny thing is in the house. Not to mention that all of our stuff used to fit in a 2 bedroom apartment with no extra storage.

So my mission is to get back to 2 bedroom apartment sized living so that I can clean out stuff and pass it on to those that could really use it. I just feel overrun with "stuff" and you just don't realize how much you keep shoving in closets that you rarely open until that day you go to get out the Christmas decorations and BAM there it all is ready to fall out and smack you on the head.

So organization, weeding out and just plain cleaning up in store for this winter.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Job hunting not for the faint of Heart

Yep, I am looking for a new position. Looking is like having a full time job in and of itself. There are numerous things to consider on the resume. How to construct that perfect cover letter. And for a lawyer, choosing the right writing sample to send. I keep plugging along but in this age of information technology it is easy to get distracting (like blogging instead of working on that cover letter) and overwhelming. Well, off to polish up that resume and pick out that writing sample (and I can state confidently that this little piece of writing will not be it).

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Cash, its all about Cash

So in keeping with trying to do something new everyday, I am paying cash for EVERYTHING. Yep, no bank card, no credit cards. Just back to pre-cyber ol' fashion cash. We figured out that we tend to spend more when we use the debit card, but with cash it is really finite in your hand. So welcome to the Corby Cash year.

Woo hoo.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year. Here are the long awaited Christmas knitted gifts. First up is Owen and his "Quidditch Sweater" and Cabin Fever Hat. Next is Braeden and his Gecko Scarf.

Next is Olivia and Braeden with their Cabin Fever Hats. I made one for Emma too but I guess I missed getting a picture of her with hers on. Beth, send me one :)

And of course, Adam had to have one too. :)

Now I have to decide what I am going to make next. I just have not yet been inspired. That could be too because I am trying to decide on a legal article to write to try to get published this year. Any suggestions?